“The IvyGene Test can give us a really important heads up in an early time, where a simple procedure can be curative.”
Confirm the Presence of Multiple Cancers Early
Utilizing AI and cutting-edge technology, the IvyGene Platform acts as a highly accurate biomarker to confirm multiple cancers early. Unlike many biomarkers, the IvyGene tests combine high sensitivity and specificity through a simple blood draw.
The IvyGene Technology
For medical providers, the IvyGene technology provides critical information about a patient’s health at the time of testing. Elevated scores are consistent with cancer presence and give medical providers more insight into abnormal imaging tests, elevated bio-markers, or positive genetic tests another tool to streamline cancer diagnosis.
The Science
AI and Next-Generation Sequencing identified gene targets that have higher methylation levels when cancer is present. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is more highly methylated than other cell-free DNA (cfDNA) at those specific gene targets. By analyzing the methylation ratios at those specific gene targets in whole blood, the IvyGene Technology may confirm the presence of multiple cancers, as early as stage 1.
The IvyGeneCORE Test
Validated for multiple cancer types, the IvyGeneCORE test provides a quantitative score that, if elevated, may confirm the presence of cancer as early as stage 1. IvyGeneCORE has been validated for breast, colon, liver, and lung cancers. Other cancer types may cause an elevated result.

Jesse Stoff, MD
Westbury, NY

George Liakeas, MD
Family Medicine, New York, New York
“There are instances where this test has helped me decide my next course of action. It is a simple, but useful tool that can save lives. My patients were grateful!”

Jonathan Stegall, MD
Integrative Oncologist, Alpharetta, GA
“I regularly utilize the IvyGene test with my cancer patients. I have found it to be a very convenient and beneficial tool to assess the systemic burden of cancer in the body.”
“Saving lives and changing the status quo of cancer detection”
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The IvyGene Liver Test
The IvyGene Liver Test is beneficial for patients diagnosed with cirrhosis, hepatitis, NAFLD, diabetes, as well as other at-risk liver cancer conditions. Our test is a highly specific tool that can confirm the presence of liver cancer as early as stage 1.
Connect with IvyGene
Learn more about confirming the presence of cancer today.
Laboratory for Advanced Medicine
1201 Cumberland Avenue, Suite B
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Email Address
Monday-Friday: 8am to 6pm